Menu in Datalyse
Graphical measurement
Bosch last updated: 5/12 1998.
Bosch BS series: Baud rate 1200, no parity, 1 stop, 8 data bits.
Bosch EP, DMS series: Baud rate 1200, no parity, 1 stop, 7 data bits.
Both types requires a special cable but it comes with the device. Datalyse first attempts connecting with 8 data bits and 1 stop bit and, if it fails, with 7 data bits and 2 stop bits.
Command for weighing is »w« or »s«. The balance responds with:
a total of 22 character. Datalyse cuts the first 3 characters and removes all non-numeric characters and converts the remaining to a number. The unit is read before each measuring series.
Note that the balance should be readied for communication with a pc first. Bosch has changed the default settings, e.g. baud rate, several times. The functions of the balances have also been changed. This makes it difficult to give a general description of the setting, but Datalyse assumes:
Note that Autoprint ON will have the balance send data to the pc regularly. This might cause errors in the communication and should therefore be off.
Menu in Datalyse
Graphical measurement
Bosch SAE is identical with Sartorius.
Baud rate 9600, odd parity, 1 stop, 7 data bits.
The balance requires a special cable.
The balance should be setup for communication with a pc.