Menu in Datalyse
Measure (t,f(t)) on 1 channel
Scan on several channels
Set the switches of the DIG-out unit
Read Scan (Online) from the CBL into Datalyse
Read List (Off-line)
Read Setup (status)
The CBL is connected to the pc with a TI-graph link cable. The cable must be gray, the black cable will not work! The black cable communicates bit wise using dtr, dsr, cts and rts. This requires extra programming not needed for the gray cable.
You can measure on the probes that comes with the logger: voltage, temperature, light irradiance and on the Range sensor and on all vernier-probes. Vernier-probes are connected using a converter cable from DIN to CBL. The CBL will automatically calculate the correct value from the voltage of the probe.
When measuring normally the minimum time is 0.2 seconds and max number is 3000.
When scanning the minimum time is 0,00010 s and max number 512, which is more than the length of a list in a TI-83 calculator. The minimum time depends on the number of selected channels and selected functions.
Read Scan (Online)
In this menu point a scan is transferred to table and graph in Datalyse. If the total time for the scan is small the data will be transferred automatically. If the time is larger than about 1 second you will have to watch the CBL. When the panel reads DONE, you can click on »Read Scan« and have the data transferred to Datalyse.
Read List (Offline)
The CBL can be set to measure offline. In Datalyse this is done by selecting measuring and choosing the trigger setting »Manual«. Then you start measuring in the field by pressing the Trigger-button on the CBL. Unfortunately the CBL does not save sufficient information to tell if e.g. d/dt or d˛/dt˛ has been measured.
There it is recommended to select »Read List«, having one list read and written to the table in Datalyse. Then select Read List again until every list has been read, which is when the list read last is identical to the first.
When measuring offline it is recommended to log time as well. Otherwise you will not be able to draw the data points as a function of time!
Read Setup, example:
You get far less information compared to the setup in the CBR. This makes it problematic to transfer data measured offline. In the case above the display of the CBL also reads
SONIC m, d˛/dt˛ and rec time
i.e. the table will contain 4 lists:
distance, velocity, acceleration and time.
The CBL has a number of advanced functions for calculation of data before sending them to the pc. These include:
Menu in Datalyse
Measure (t, f(t))
Scan measuring
Read scan from CBR to Datalyse
Read setup
The CBR is connected to the pc with a TI-graph link cable. The cable must be gray, the black cable will not work! The black cable communicate bit wise using dtr, dsr, cts and rts. This requires additional programming, not needed for the gray cable.
When measuring normally the minimum time is 0.25 seconds and max number is 3000 measurings.
At a scan the minimum time is 0,02 s and max number is 512, which is more than the length of a list in a TI-83 calculator. The minimum time depends on the selected functions.
The CBR has a number of advanced functions for processing data prior to sending them to the pc. These include:
A scan can contain from 1 to 4 columns depending on the setup: distance, velocity, acceleration and time.
When a scan is read all data are transferred to the table in Datalyse. The user will then have to select one or more columns in the table for the graph.
Since Setup contains all necessary information, there are no problems in transferring data measured offline to Datalyse.
When the menu topic is selected the setup is read and written to the memo in Datalyse. It can be helpful to read the setup, if the CBR won't start measuring. You can check if the battery is low while measuring and you can see whether the CBR is ready or not. The error codes are described in the cbl manual.
CBR status:
When the CBR is selected the setup is read and
parameters such as number of measurements and time per measurement are automatically setup in Datalyse.PS:
The CBR can also be used as a probe for the CBL, but this is not recommended as you will lose some functionality.
The CBL treats the CBR as it does its own range sensor (Motion Detector).
The CBR has temperature compensation for distance determination, the CBL does not.
The CBR has full status (see the setup above), the CBL does not. The CBL only gives information on active channels, not the measured data.
Calibrating probes
In the documentation for the Vernier probes the conversion factors from voltage are given. For the force sensor (±10N):
Intercept (k0): 12,25N and Slope (k1): -4,90 N/volt.
The calibration is made by burdening the probe with 2 known forces and measure the voltage in Datalyse. Select e.g. 100 measurings and calculate the average using linear regression.
Known force /N | measured voltage /V |
0 | 2,535 |
1,963 | 2,156 |
Then you calculate the straight line through the 2 points. Result:
F = -5,176 N/V·U + 13,12 N
These values are now written to the file »Vernier.ini« Here is a section:
Your own probes
You can make your own probes using a CBL connector (see the manual p. 62). Voltage 0-5 V is measured between pin 2 GND (black) and pin 6 Vin-low (blue). This can be useful as the probe that comes with the device measures ±10 volt
More information about cbl, cbl2 and labpro