Cecil 1011 has been tested in Datalyse, Cecil 1021 has not.
Menu in Datalyse:
Measure at one wavelength
Spectrum, wavelength scan
Baseline, wavelength scan
Zero value absorbance, (transmittance)
Release control
You can use the terminal program in Datalyse with the spectrophotometer.
Baud rate 9600, even parity, 2 stop, 7 data bits. Command for version.
Wavelength interval:
- Cecil 1011: 325 nm - 1000 nm
- Cecil 1021: 180 nm - 1000 nm
It is possible to measure absorbance, transmittance and concentration.
Cecil 10xx cannot scan a spectrum, so Datalyse runs through the wavelength interval. The data from the baseline is placed in column C in the table. Once the baseline has been measured, column C in the table will automatically be subtracted at a scan. Scanning might be problematic, since the spectrophotometer often locks up, see the comments below. If you experience problems, try reducing the wavelength interval to for instance [400 nm; 800 nm] and remember that an ordinary cuvette does absorb light in the UV-area.
The cable is a standard null-modem cable, available in most computer shops.
At startup the wavelength is set to 500 nm and the absorbance is set to 0.000. This is a bit unfortunate, because if a scan is being made, the absorbance will go below the lower limit of -0.300 and the device will lock up. If a cuvette containing water is placed in the cell holder before Cecil is turned on, you will get the same zero level every time. If the absorbance increases to a value greater than 3.000, the device will also lock up. Dilute the solution and try again.
The serial communication is enabled by pressing PEAK SEEK thrice. It is possible to release the control from the pc, but not activate it.
Cecil 2041 has been tested in Datalyse, Cecil 2011, 2021, 2031 have not.
Menu in Datalyse:
Measure at one wavelength
Spectrum, wavelength scan
Baseline, wavelength scan
Zero value absorbance, (transmittance)
Release control
You can also use the terminal program in Datalyse with the spectrophotometer.
Baud rate 9600, even parity, 2 stop, 7 data bits. Command for version.
Wavelength interval:
- Cecil 2011: 325 nm - 1000 nm
- Cecil 2021: 190 nm - 1000 nm
- Cecil 2031: 325 nm - 1000 nm
- Cecil 2041: 190 nm - 1000 nm
It is possible to measure absorbance, transmittance and concentration.
Before Cecil 20xx is capable of scanning, you have to measure a baseline. Place a cuvette containing only water in the holder (or leave it empty) and make a base scan. This takes from a few minutes to 15 minutes depending on the selected scan speed. When the baseline has been measured Cecil writes »Ready« on the display. Now you can scan spectra. When Cecil is controlled from the pc, a transmittance spectrum is always send. If you have selected absorbance in the menu in Datalyse, the absorbance is calculated as well. The measured spectra are saved in the memory in Cecil, and you can print them on the internal printer later (as absorbance spectra!)
The table is not deleted after a scan, which makes it possible to have several spectra with the same wavelength interval in the same table simply by moving column C (the absorbance) to another column, e.g. D, E, ... You can move a column with the mouse.
The cable is a standard null-modem cable, available in most computer shops.
At startup the wavelength is set to 500 nm and the absorbance is set to 0.000. If a cuvette containing water is placed in the cell holder before Cecil is turned on, you will get the same zero level every time. If the absorbance increases to a value greater than 3.000, dilute the solution and try again.
The serial communication is enabled by pressing PROGram and Select Remote and Enter. It is possible to release the control from the pc, but not activate it.