
The installation diskette creates a library and copies all files on the diskette to this library. Save the diskette. Install Datalyse in Windows, and the program should be ready to run!

A few hints

Always use the following procedure when measuring:

Mare sure that PC and device are off! Connect the device to the PC. Turn on the PC. Run the Datalyse program. Turn on the device, when the program tells you to!

When the PC is turned on, it sends some characters to the ports which may cause the device to freeze, start measuring or send an error message to the PC. All of this can be avoided by turning on the PC first!

If the communication doesn't function, look to the online help for that device. Here, you can see if the device takes a special cable, the proper baud rate settings and any other pertinent information on that device.

The help will also provide you with sample experiments. You will find a description of all functions in the program. There are a lot of screen shots from Datalyse which may for instance be copied for use in a practice manual or students may use the picture in their reports.


Datalyse.ini contains:

separator: #9

This is the separator character used e.g. when copying a table to the clipboard. The default is tab.

companynumber: 1

1: all, 2: Atimco, 3: Buch&Holm, 4: IMPO, 5: Muller+Sørensen, 6: Radiometer, 7: SF, 8: Other devices. This setting decides which manufacturer is the default when selecting a device.


Default directory when opening and saving files.

device,1,off: pt200, impo, pt2, pt1

device,2,on : dmi24 multimeter, impo

device,3,on : smart pulley timer, pasco,


At the time of writing about 80 devices are available, for this reason it is a good idea to set the devices you do not have to off.

defaultdevice,34,Shimadzu spectrophotometer

With this line device no. 34 has been made the default. You can find the number in the ini-file above.

It does not matter whether you use upper or lower case.

Datalyse first looks for the ini-file in its own directory then in the root of the C-drive.







1,2-benzoic diacid/*2.95/5.41

1,3-benzoic diacid/*3.62/4.60

1,2-benzoic diacid/*3.54/4.46




Basedata.ini contains the names and pKa values of bases and aciddata.ini the names and pKa values of acids. You can add new data to these files. These data are used for »model for titration curves«.


Accelerometer, 5g"m/s²"23.94"-59.82

Barometer 0..1.2 Bar"P/Bar"0.6997"0.1357


Vernier.ini contains name, unit, y-axis factor and y-axis-offset for probes. Note that a probe can also be an analog device. You can add new probes to this file.


Contains a list of 40 sensors. The first 30 are »built in«, the last 10 are user-definable. This can for instance be vernier-probes. The file Multilog.ini contains:

No.\Title\unit\minimum\maximum\decimals in table


If a filename is added to the shortcut that file will be opened by Datalyse automatically.

If e.g. "apparat:25" is added Datalyse will automatically open the menu »Choose device« with device number 25 already selected and you only have to press Connect. You can find the number in Datalyse.ini.

If you experience any difficulties with Datalyse, please help me, yourself and others!

Carl Hemmingsen
Borgmestervænget 22
DK - 3600 Frederikssund