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Graphical measurement
Mettler last updated: 30/1 1998.
The balances have 2 settings: fast weighing and
stable weighing.
At fast weighing the display reading is transmitted to the pc
immediately. At stable weighing no data is transmitted until the
reading is stable.
Minimum times: 2 seconds / 10 (5) seconds.
Mettler BD 202, BD 601, BD 1201, BD6000
Baud rate 2400, even parity, 2 stop, 7 data bits.
The device uses DTR (Data Terminal Ready). This means the terminal program in windows cannot communicate with Mettler. This is a weakness in the windows terminal program!
Command "ID" for version.
Note that the cable is specific and that you have to assemble it yourself.
Mettler College 240 and PM ...
Baud rate 1200,(2400) even parity, 1 stop, 7 data bits.
Datalyse first tries 1200 baud, then 2400 baud.
Command "ID" for version.
Note that the cable is specific and that you have to assemble it yourself.
Mettler College B3002, ...
Baud rate 2400, even parity, 1 stop, 7 data bits
This balance uses DTR as well.
Command "@" for version.
The cable is specific since it contains an interface box. You have to open the lid of the box set the 3 switches to position 0: HOST(PC) and 3: 2400 Baud and 0: 7bit, Even, CTS/DTR. These settings are written in bold type in the cable manual.
PS: from April 1997 the Mettler balances also come with an ordinary serial cable! It is cheaper and easier to connect to the pc, but......!!!!!
The different balances treat data differently: Typically a device would send a string like this to the pc:
S_D_____128.4 g
where S could mean Stable, D the sign: -/+ and g would, of course, be gram.
Unfortunately the different balances have different data formats. This makes it absolutely necessary to begin communication by reading the version of the device. Unfortunately the different balances have different standards for reading the version as well.